Friday, October 8, 2010


I'm proud to announce that Jamie Fay and I were interviewed by COMIC RELATED about Neverminds. I know we've kept everyone in the dark about the series, but its all out there now for you to read. We even have some pages and promo art on there as well. Take a look:

We talk how we met, how the idea of N about everminds came about, character creation, and more importantly, the ways you can get it into your hands. We'll be selling it as single issues and pdfs. After each arc, we'll also be collecting them as trades, which SENTINELS' was one of the pioneers for Indie books.

So read it. Let us know what you think and definitely leave a message over on COMIC RELATED as well.

Thanks everyone!


Anonymous said...

That was a great interview!!
You guys ROCK!

Noel said...

Just checked out the article. that's really great! and even more awesome to finally know what's going on in this story of yours. it sounds amazing, cant wait to see more.

Rich B. said...

Thanks, guys! I'm glad you liked the interview. We had a lot of fun doing it and hope it's the first of many to come!