Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year to all and hello 2010!

Last year on this date, I posted about all the projects I was working on and what would be out later that year. Well, lol, I'm not going to do that this year, because I didn't quite deliver on all my promises. Sorry about that! So, instead of breaking them, I'm just not going to make them. I'll just try to do my best to get them all done. That way no one will be disappointed and I won't feel bad. :)

2009 was an interesting year and I thank everyone again for their support as I changed focus and worked on my "sketch a day" project. I know it must have been a little annoying to see postings nearly every day, but it was a very growthful year for me and I learned a lot while doing it. I also believe it'll help me in the long run because my eyes have become open in a new way. My focus is once again on publishing now and I hope to have some news to share soon. Maybe start showing more previews again too!
I hope everyone has a great and happy 2010!


Hellstormer said...


Rich B. said...

Yeah, can't wait to show some pages. They're looking great! :)