Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I can't believe I started doing this blog a year ago. But I did. And even though it hasn't always gone as I had hoped it would, I've enjoyed doing it. I feel bad that I haven't been posting as much as I did in the beginning, but that's mainly been because everything I'm working on is still in progress. Sorry about that.
I'd like to ask (if anyone is still checking this, lol) what has been good and bad about the blog. I have registered a new site name and hope to get a Drumfish site up early next year. This blog will be part of that, so input would be appreciated.


Hellstormer said...

Well I for one love seeing the sketches you pick up at cons and of course seeing designs for books you're working on. Like Jesse's story.

Rich B. said...

Cool. I like showing that stuff. I'm going to a con next week and hope to have some new sketches from there. Haven't had much other art to show just yet on future projects. Sorry about that. Soon though!

Rey said...

A con next week? Really...I curse you with a thousand HOPAWATES!!!

Rich B. said...

Yeah, I thought I told you about it, Rey. Sorry!

Noel said...

I still check all the time.
I love that T-shirt.
You should add it to your merchandise list

Rich B. said...

Haha! Thanks, Noel. It'd be scary to see anyone wearing that though.