Monday, December 28, 2015


Within the 2nd SENTINELS Anthology, we have one huge story with the 3rd generation SENTINELS as adult heroes. This story focuses on the 3rd gen team, but it also features every generation of SENTINELS teams. We wanted to do a story that really served as something special to all of the people who had been following us for years. When it came time to spotlight the 1st and 2nd generations of the team, I did the finished art off of Luciano Vecchios layouts, but we also wanted the different generation parts of the story to feel unique and have a distinct quality to them. For the 1st generation team, I knew Michael Bloechle would be the perfect colorist to help us achieve that goal! 
Michael (Micha) is an amazing artist from Germany, who entered our 4th Drumfish Art Contest over on DeviantArt. Michael won third place with his rendition of Stitch all grown up. I remember being truly impressed with the way he colored his work. It was so painterly! I loved it. A few months later, Michael surprised us with a portrait of Firebomb that has to be seen to believe. It was so beautiful! It was so realistic that you could see freckles on her skin in the picture.

Now, I had already known that I wanted to work with Michael one day, but this picture solidified it! Micahel agreed to color the 1st generation part of the SENTINELS story and I couldnt be happier with the results. Theres a feeling of time and place with the way he colored the story. It separates itself perfectly from the other stories and stands on its own. It also makes my linework look so much better after I destroyed Lucianos sketches!
Please check out Michaels work at

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