Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I had my class at the Learning Annex last night. It was a lot of fun. There were 11 people there. I'd never taught a class before and was a little nervous. I really wanted people to enjoy the class and get the most for their money. I hope they did. My only regret is I think I talked a little too fast. I tried to slow down a few times, but I normally speak fast so it didn't work.

If anything, I learned a lot and gave them a ton of information that I know they will be able to use if they choose to self-publish. Who knows, maybe one day one of them will be at a table next to me at a convention? I look forward to seeing that.

Above is an image of Templar, from SENTINELS Book 2: Masks, that Luciano had turned into wallpaper. I always meant to have him post it on the site, but forgot to ask him. I have it as wallpaper on my computer.

Tomorrow, I'll start back up with the SENTINELS Anthology spotlights. There are still 3 other solo stories in the Anthology, so there's still some good art to show.


Hellstormer said...

Hope you had fun in the class, do you plan on doing more? Set the wallpaper on my desktop, let's see some of the art from the new Templar story. :D

Rich B. said...

Yes! I had a blast teaching the class. I probably talked too much, but I think I gave out a lot of good information to people. I'm looking forward to seeing if anybody that was there jumps into the self-publishing field.
Glad you liked the wallpaper. I have it set as mine too, lol.
Art from the Templar story will probably be last, it's the one story we ran into a problem with. More on that when I get to his spotlight.