Sunday, November 29, 2009


One of the best legacy characters to come out of DC is definitely Stargirl. Originally the star of her own series written by Geoff Johns, Stargirl later joined the JSA in their relaunched book and quickly became a fan favorite. Cute, perky and with an opinion of her own, Stargirl was based on Geoff's sister, Courtney, who sadly passed away in the crash of Flight 800 in 1996. For me, there is an odd connection to this character. The first story I helped a reporter cover for the NY Times was the crash of Flight 800. I remember that day very clearly and remember talking with witnesses and all the theories on what happened that day. It was really sad and confusing at the same time. I won't forget that day. But even more than that connection, for me, the fact that Geoff based Stargirl on his sister who was on the flight and used the tragedy to honor her and try to keep her memory alive resonates with me. I didn't know he had based Stargirl on his late sister at the time, but when I created SENTINELS, I wanted to do the same thing with one of my characters and based Agent Huggins on a very close friend of mine. For me, losing someone so important, it was very therapeutic to do this and I can relate to the reasons why Stargirl was created. I figured it was only fitting that I added this character to my "sketch a day" project.

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