Saturday, January 19, 2008


Javier Barrera is the writer for Templar's story in the SENTINELS Anthology. I was first introduced to Javier through his artwork by Luciano Vecchio. Javier was kind enough to do a painting of Rapture that we posted in the gallery section of the SENTINELS website. I really loved the quality of his work and it wasn't until later that I found out he was also a writer.

Javier had created REAL CLOHE along with Luciano. It was a dream-like story that touched upon the different planes of reality and alternate universes. It's main character was a striking woman who seemed to have lost her mind and then discovers she isn't crazy, just that she is one of a chosen few who can cross those planes. Along with REAL CLOHE, Javier had written and illustrated a series called GATO V. I loved it! It was raw and uninhibited and had a turly unique feel to it.

I was having trouble deciding who would write Templar's story for the SENTINELS Anthology. I knew I wanted someone who could really do the character justice. Someone who understood Templar's past and would be able to tell a story that had a lot of heart. Luckily, Luciano suggested Javier and I knew he was the right person. I just hadn't thought of him because I was so impressed by his art and considered him an artist.

It's funny how everything just worked out for the Anthology and Javier's story really wraps it all together as the 3rd generation SENTINELS learn about their parents.

Javier is currently re-creating his website, but you can see some of his art at .

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