Thursday, March 3, 2011


I'm happy to announce the winners from the 1st Drumfish Productions Deviant Art contest! The first prize winner was Davina Falcao's rendition of Henko from NEVERMINDS.

Coming in second was Gospel from SENTINELS drawn by Danielle St. Pierre.

And rounding out the top three in third place was Kanaloa from NEVERMINDS drawn by Nick Rhodes.

Congratulations to all the winners and a HUGE thanks to everyone who entered the contest. We plan to have more in the future, so if you're a member of Deviant Art and not yet part of the Drumfish group, join up now to be notified of future contests!


Noel said...

Really great collection? how did you pick the winner?

Rich B. said...

Luciano, Jamie, Rey and I gave each drawing a score between 1 to 5. Once we all voted, we totaled them up and the highest scoring picture won. :)
We really got some great entries. It was hard to vote!