Monday, November 26, 2007


Electron's story for the SENTINELS Anthology is written by Todd Latoski. I first met Todd when he sent me an e-mail regarding SENTINELS Book 1: Footsteps. His comments were thoughtful and justified and we chatted and sent e-mails back and forth for some time. I quickly learned that Todd was an aspiring writer (and MAJOR Earth-2 Huntress fan) and was fortunate enough to get to read some of his work. I was totally impressed. He's very detailed in his descriptions and in setting a mood. So, much so, that when it came time for the Anthology, I knew I wanted Todd involved. I had asked Todd which character he would want to write, hoping he would say Electron, and his answer was Phazer or Electron. Since Phazer isn't spotlighted in this Anthology, I was happy to have Todd writing Electron's story. (Next time, Phazer, Todd. Promise!).

I had tried to give all of the writers freedom when it came to the content of their story, but in the back of my mind I did have ideas for Electron. So, when Todd sent in his story, I was shocked to read exactly what I was hoping he would write. Todd really gave Electron's story the urban feel Iwas looking for. He also really understood the character's history and expanded on it without negating any of what we had printed. I knew with Matias illustrating his words, that this would be a great addition to the Anthology.

I know I've said this before and I'll continue to say it until I've spotlighted everyone involved in the Anthology, but I'm really proud of all the work they have done. What really excites me about the SENTINELS Anthology is getting the chance to help others get work printed and encouraging them. I've met so many talented people since jumping into the self-publsihing game that I really hope they can use their experiences here and move on to bigger and better things. So many great talents just never get the chance to break in. Todd is one of those people I've gotten the chance to watch grow from a fan to a professional.

Earlier this year, Todd had his first comic work published in TRAILER PARK OF TERROR #7 from . And even though I wanted his SENTINELS work to be his first published stuff, I'm really glad he's getting his writing out there and doing so much. In addition to his comic work, Todd has also worked on numerous stories including Nancy Drew and a new top-secret children's mystery series. I look forward to reading what Todd does next and so will everyone else I think. Check out his myspace page at to see what he does next! But whatever you do, don't mention the Earth 2 Huntress's death in Crisis to him. He's finally getting over it after 20 years.

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